Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Blog terrorism

I suspect the worst. I fear I am a blog terrorist. For the sheer titillation of posting comments to another blog - the owner of which is known to me, but as yet does not know my new handle (as it were) - I have created this profile and taken delight in frustrating the aforementioned blogger. Yes, I am. I am indeed a blog terrorist. But it's not like I'm posting suspicious white compounds over the ether. I'm merely sending my blogger friend on an incredibly exciting chase... to string together all the clues and come up with the correct answer! You could say I'm like a guilty Colonel Mustard, just wanting to be found... with the dagger... in the billiard room. Or I guess you could say I'm just bored.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you sure you are not Mrs Peacock in the Library, with crow bar? Well this little puppy has a strong suspition of who you might be freelancer, and i love your work!!!!!

1:52 am  
Blogger The Book Grocer said...

Well, I'm fresh out of ideas. How about a hint?

9:21 am  
Blogger Freelancer said...

I'm sorry, anonymous... I don't respond to anonymouses.
So.... there!

BBCC... You must use the Stalker Force.
Only then will you find the answers you seek.
Hint #1: What's in a name?

10:04 am  
Blogger The Book Grocer said...

which name, the puku thing or freelancer?

6:41 pm  
Blogger Freelancer said...

Both, actually!

6:48 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hola chickie, how did you know we we're anony-a-mouses! Well as I am not yet courageous enought to have my own blog you will have to continue excepting these little morsels until we become anony-a-lions. Hmm BBCC what clues can I give you? None I think, she has you right where she wants you!

6:54 pm  
Blogger Freelancer said...

YEAH!!!! What she (they) said!!!

7:00 pm  
Blogger Freelancer said...

And if you mouses are who I think you are... you'd better not rat. This has been a project a couple of sqweeks in the making...

7:05 pm  

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