Monday, June 20, 2005

The peep show that comes to you!

So I've successfully done three parts of stuff all again on another fine Monday in Melbourne-town. Well, that's not true. I managed to get up early to start my new regime of solo yoga practise (and no, that's not a euphemism...), made porridge for breakfast (like I'd promised myself) and then suddenly, inexplicably, there were boobies in my face.

(Bet that got your attention, huh?!)

It all happened when a friend called to ask if we could catch up for a coffee and, being the easily distracted at-home worker, I said "I don't know... I'm kind of working... sure, why not?!". Of course, I tried to cover up my tendency to procrastinate and surf blogs all day by insisting we meet "somewhere close to my place", which meant, pretty much anywhere in the city. Now, I was thrilled to catch up with this friend, because she's one of my best mates and I haven't seen her in ages. For efficiency, let's call her... Samantha. Anyway, Samantha was ecstatic because she'd just spent the better part of her morning throwing money at lingerie saleswomen. And what girl wouldn't be ecstatic after spending a morning like that? But Samantha was particularly ecstatic because, as a brilliant - but struggling - artist, she had just completed a particular job (and no, that's not a euphemism either...) which afforded her an expendable amount of cash for the first time in a long time. So we did the girlie thing and started dragging out the purchases one by one. Cute jumper... nice shirt... ooh! hot jeans! and then... lots - and I mean lots - of lingerie. Now the lunching suits were starting to miss their mouths, so I quickly suggested she come up to my place and do a trade. She could check out my new coat (mmm... aahhhhh... coat...) and I would see all of her purchases in detail.

So she did.

And wouldn't you know it, boys and girls... I got a full-on catwalk parade and change-session of a whole new lingerie collection! There were french knickers, padded bras (not that she needed it, if you know what I mean, fellow surfboards?!), full-body strapless lounging numbers and even a suspender set. I tell you, it was any bloke's (or that-way-inclined girl's) fantasy. I mean, it's the middle of the day and I've got this sexy, voluptuous woman trying on a series of next-to-nothings for me and - here's the kicker - telling me how she just wants to meet 'the one'. She says she's not settling any more. He's gotta be a keeper. So anyway, I'm not about to tell you this Monday lunchtime turned into any kind of B-grade porn starring Samantha and friends... I just wanted to assure any of you good-natured, creative, sexy, inquiring fellas out there... these fantasies really can come true!!!
You've just got to be at my place at 1pm on a Monday.


Blogger The Book Grocer said...

*feels conflicted*

1:17 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey my cherrie, your little anon-a-mouse is nearly back and feels very sad to be missing out on such fun and games!

3:56 am  
Blogger Freelancer said...

Hello my fair-weathered friends! (And by that, I just mean you're enjoying nice weather and I'm NOT!)

Hope all is well in The Land of Do As You Please.

Hey, when exactly do you get back, anon-a-mouse?

3:50 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha!! Can always count on me wife to get her titls out when there's new lingerie afoot! So funny.

3:06 am  

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