Wednesday, June 22, 2005

HTML sux

It's true I once learned the art of HTML coding in Online Journalism - just one of the many enthralling subjects I studied at university.

But I can't quite recall the class covering the basics of How to Fix Code in a Blog You May Have Started but Fucked Up Spectacularly by Adding Something as Simple as a Few Links.

I just spent the best part of an hour trying to recover everything I've blogged so far. Finally, thankfully, it's back (I know you're all breathing a massive sigh of relief. I mean, where would the world be...) and I'm also sporting links. So those of you who have made it thus far, consider this a greater privilege than normal.

I must send a huge thankyou to Fluffy. Not because I tracked her mobile number down in a frenzy in my time of blogging panic. No. She just has a similar looking site to mine, so viewing and copying her "source" came in handy. (The one thing I learned from html class....)

(P.S. - If I could be bothered finding a random picture of the nerdiest nerd on Google, saving it, then uploading it to Flickr and downloading it to my blog, all the while biting my thumb at copyright laws, just to best illustrate what a nerd I've become tonight, I would. But I can't, so I won't.)


Blogger kranki said...

Your Modern Indain Name comment made me titter with glee. I like comments worth commenting on.

Clearly Monday at 1pm is the new Saturday Night.

12:47 pm  
Blogger Freelancer said...

No, the titters are all mine.
Bless you for visiting, my child.

1:50 pm  
Blogger BwcaBrownie said...

onya F-er girl.
if you put 'nerd' into Google image search you get funny results ( I did this once for a blogpost)

and as Frankie Howerd used to say
'Titter Ye Not!' Kranks.

9:56 pm  
Blogger Fluffy said...

glad i could be of help! next time the mobile number is all yours.

maybe i can hide it in my source code.

ps - not hiding it in my source code. ask bbcc for it!

10:57 pm  
Blogger Freelancer said...

Again, bless ya!
(Am starting to feel a bit like Ratzinger here...)

11:04 pm  
Blogger daniel said...

I am a bit of an HTML guru, being that i stare and manipulate it all day at work. Feel free to drop me a line with a question next time, before grappling for hours on your lonseome.

10:14 am  
Blogger Freelancer said...

Thanks Boudi-kins. An unfortunate side effect of being a stubborn wench is rarely letting anyone help me work something out. It's all part of the challenge, you see. And yes, I do carry a warning, "may frustrate some viewers."
But seeing as you're an obvious dab hand, I'll bear that in mind. Thanks.

2:42 pm  

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