Monday, July 04, 2005

I love junkets (and not the custardy type)

Originally uploaded by Puku e Puku.
I haven't had that many junkets in my time, but this one takes the cake. Or custardy junket. You choose.
So this is the view I woke up to from my hotel window on Saturday morning. Pretty rough, huh? Yeah, well if I can make you even more jealous, the waking up bit followed a five course meal with a rather large selection of wines the night before.
But, as they say, there's no such thing as a free lunch. And if that saying can be applied to dinners as well, it would seem 'they' are right. I paid for it dearly the next day. So although this picture captures a refined, tasteful morning setting, the camera would have told a rather different story had it been turned 180 degrees. Oh yes. Hangover central. In fact, I got so drunk the night before, when my beloved and I returned to our room, I picked a ridiculously irrational fight, to which he responded with a mature and fitting - potentially even conciliatory - act... he filled the tub in our lush bathroom. And what did I do? Well, I promptly fell asleep.
So, it just shows, you can take your lover away on a romantic weekend at one of the nicest five star hotels in the state - and still swiftly render yourself scoreless.
Oh well, we laughed about it the next morning over a cooked breakfast and I found solace in a half hour massage at the day spa before we left. Jealous? Cope.


Blogger Melba said...

is that werribee mansion? is it worth it? i want to do the safari night down there, would be very cool

i liked your post

1:09 am  
Blogger Freelancer said...

MG - Oh yes, my dear. Indeedily it is worth it. But if you're going to splurge, go for a suite in the hotel's extension.
The mansion's a spin-out too. Haven't been there since I saw Princess Di watching Charles play polo in the 80s. A family friend dressed me and her daughter up to look like toffs and then distracted the gate attendant while we snuck past into the members to catch a glimpse of Diana in the adjacent VIP stand. We waved furiously for about ten minutes and eventually she looked over in our direction and waved back! A seven year old's dream come true.

2Yr - poor form, I know. Lucky for me it was a laugh the next day. So, you back on your lonesome?

9:32 am  
Blogger la nadine said...

i was just last night discussing with a fellow blogger how "junket" is one of the bestest words in the whole world 4 evs.

the way it makes me feel, its like word porn.

9:59 am  
Blogger Freelancer said...

Really? I've always had an aversion to it. Probably because I didn't like eating junket as a kid. But I didn't feel like using the word 'Freebie', so junket was it. What is so porn about it? Coz the first syllable rhymes with spunk or funk?
P.S. - Nads, what's going on with your blog? I swear I posted yesterday about wanting to see a pic of your bolero/shrug/cardi. And was wondering too what has happened to Roguey?

10:05 am  
Blogger la nadine said...

woops, posted this in the wrong place before.

my blog is having the occasional tantie, but you do have a visible comment from yesterday.

roguey is copping the bad end of a blogger technical spat. we are working on the resurrection of his work, but its taking awhile.

12:12 pm  
Blogger Aleks - Anarcho-Syndicalist said...

You had me until you mentioned a large selection of wines. So bourgeiosie.

As for work junkets, my last one was a return flight to Adelaide for some meetings just prior to Easter, so that I could camp outside of Baxter detention center over Easter to protest, get vilified by the media and right-wing political parties (Liberals, Nationals, ALP, Democrats) get assaulted by the Gestapo I mean police, get scorched in the desert during the day and freeze at night. Beat that.

5:14 pm  
Blogger Freelancer said...

Aleks! You're so going to have to learn to get over the word bourgeoisie - and spell it correctly.
You've just GOT to put these things in perspective. Junkets are part and parcel of working in the media - and one day, when I'm protecting the children of Bangladesh, my contacts will remember me fondly when I call them for favours, instead of having them hang up in my ear because they remembered how much I railed against them in a previous life. It's called SOCIALISATION. And even Socialists understand that term. I don't live at Werribee Park. I just met some people who do.
And you're also going to have to get over me drinking wine. I can't drink beer or vodka (for specific health reasons) and I LIKE wine. I LIKE IT, I LIKE IT, I LIKE IT. As I said earlier, COPE!
But thanks for visiting - and I hope you're over the hypothermia. xx

6:09 pm  
Blogger Aleks - Anarcho-Syndicalist said...

Accept people drinking wine? Never.

And I am not a socialist, I am an anarcho-syndicalist. Get it right.

I do hope that some day you do use your best efforts to jelp people in Bangladesh. However history tends to indicate that people get corrupted by affluence and don't follow through on their beliefs. It's called SELLING OUT.

I do hope that you prove to be an exception however.

6:54 pm  
Blogger Freelancer said...

Well, Aleks. You don't know anything about me, really. In fact, that goes for a lot of what people post in their blogs. Often, to post is simply to put forward just one version of yourself and your take on an experience. We don't all want to lay our souls bare on a daily basis. Some people can do that really well. I - on the other hand - am taking baby steps, and may never choose to share with you my true desires and concerns for the torrid/beautiful/crazy place that is the world as you or I see it. And you should respect that choice. Especially on my blog space.

I also really appreciate a good sense of humour. Which is why I will (probably) never turn Toadie away from expressing his desire for food around here.

11:48 pm  
Blogger Aleks - Anarcho-Syndicalist said...

I never claimed to know anything about you did I? Sorry, other than saying you are bourgeoisie, which may or may not be true, the thing is though, in case people don't get it, IT IS A JOKE.

In fact I said:

"I do hope that you prove to be an exception however. "

which was meant to indicate that hopefully you will maintain your ideals. Yes, I know that not all people can be neatly sloted into general categories based on things like their occupation, where they live etc.

One last point I would like to make, I think it is strange that people believe in freedom of expression; that is until somebody expresses something they don't like.

9:51 am  
Blogger Freelancer said...

Ohhhhhh!!!!!! You're JOOOKKKIIINNGGGG!!!!! Well, why didn't you SAY so?

And as a lover of all things HILARIOUSLY FUNNY, I should have detected that. Must check that radar.

Perhaps I can make it up to you over a glass of wine?

10:24 am  
Blogger The Book Grocer said...

Aleks makes a lot of noise, doesn't he?

For a man opposed to whine, anyway...

I've actually amputated my left arm to prove to the world that anarchy works. I hope you've done the same Aleks - if not you're totally Selling Out.

*awaits dull and critical reply*

11:25 am  
Blogger Freelancer said...

Thanks Booky, I'm getting tired taking on this big bad tripod all on my own!

11:43 am  
Blogger The Book Grocer said...

I hope that 'tripod' remark isn't because I'm missing a limb...

11:49 am  
Blogger Aleks - Anarcho-Syndicalist said...

Book Book Cheep Cheep, you obviously have no idea about what Anarchy as a political movment stands for, let alone Anarcho-Syndicalism. Maybe you should stick to watching Big Brother. Is that dull and critical enough for you?

Freelancer, I thought it was quite obvious that the whole wine thing was tied in to the "chardonnay socialist" term, the forerunner of the term the latte left.

Obviously I was giving people a bit too much credit.

Not all people who drink wine are evil, though all evil people do tend to drink wine. I personally hate the stuff: I have not drunk wine since I was 18.

I didn't think it was possible, but the last couple of days have made me even sadder and more depressed at the state of our society. Nihility may be the only solution.

12:49 pm  
Blogger Freelancer said...

OH FOR CHRIST'S SAKE, ALEKS! We get you!!! We understand the chardonnay quaffing, latte sipping gags. Hence "Perhaps I can make it up to you over a glass of wine?"
Screw this. I guess I'm just going to have to put off my work (again) and post something new to kill this topic.
And Booky, you know I'd never make fun of your ridiculous deformity.

2:22 pm  
Blogger The Book Grocer said...

I think the time has come to stop wasting my valuable life force on Aleks. Typing with one hand is hard enough, but scratching my head at the same time makes it nearly impossible.

I'm going over there to be ignorant in an inflammatory manner.

Aleks, I prescribe a solid course of hand relief or similar to allay some of this misplaced hostility.

3:22 pm  
Blogger Aleks - Anarcho-Syndicalist said...

As an athiest. I don't believe in christ.

And book book cheep cheep, are you propositioning me? Are you saying you want to give me "hand relief"?

3:41 pm  
Blogger The Book Grocer said...

Yes, that's it. I read all your ingratiating comments and just felt I had to give you a hand job.

Should we make a time and place?

3:55 pm  
Blogger Aleks - Anarcho-Syndicalist said...

Definately. Name your time and place.

5:13 pm  
Blogger BwcaBrownie said...

I love custard - that deluxe kind in the plastic buckets. I am hoping they will start putting it out in bigger buckets.

12:01 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi people
I do not know what to give for Christmas of the to friends, advise something ....

1:34 am  

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