Wednesday, July 06, 2005

What Women Want (bandwagon jumper #1)

So the laydeez are posting in their droves on the topic of choice. I, for one, won't miss this opportunity to add my 10c worth. Like many before me, I won't presume to know what ALL women want. But I can comment on what I wish for all women. And because I'm feeling quite soppy this afternoon (after having just revelled in the glorious presence of my mother-in-law to be [one day] at lunch), I'll tell you I wish upon all you laydeez a loved-one like mine.

I'm not sure why things are particularly good right now. Perhaps it's because we've been discussing, a lot lately, the likelihood of my (potential) pending departure from this brown land for 12 months. For those of you who know my man, you'll know he and I aren't much into displays of public affection - much as we are in love. This stems largely from us sharing the same friends from prior to us getting together almost eight years ago. We're private with our affection because we don't like to make friends and acquaintances feel uncomfortable, we like to be engaged with for our own personalities (not our couple-ness) and we like to keep what is ours, ours. But I thought, just this once, I'd let you in on the things I want - and get - from my Puku.

* he is rational and fiercely loyal.
* he would never betray a confidence. Ever.
* he loves his family as much as I love mine.
* he never breaks a promise (I can find anything out this way...)
* he is cautious when meeting people but surprises them with a wit that won't quit when finally comfortable.
* he loves dogs.
* he dislikes cats (I'm allergic).
* he indulges me my fantasies.
* he is kind to our friends.
* he doesn't shoot his mouth off.
* he loves breakfasts out on the weekends. We share a passion for a cooked brekky over a newspaper.
* he is hot. and has an arse like a racehorse. (Muscly, not huge.)
* he's a great cook.
* he gives the most incredible cuddles from behind. I DETEST the term 'spooning', but his talent for this is amazing. Mostly because we've got this thing where the top of one person's foot rests on the sole of the other's...
* he has excellent circulation.
* he is focussed, works incredibly hard and has a creativity that astounds me.
* he encourages me to try new things.
* he makes the best coffee.
* he is quietly proud of me.
* he's my best friend.

Ok, that's enough sap for one year. But I truly wish that every one of you beautiful ladies out there gets to enjoy the kind of pleasure I've enjoyed over the past seven years and nine months (oooh yes, I mean in THAT way too!) Now go forth and find your respective hotnesses. And if you've already done so, go plan that romantic dinner you've been waiting for him to organise.


Blogger Freelancer said...

Fingers crossed. Should hear back by late July.

4:06 pm  
Blogger The Book Grocer said...



4:33 pm  
Blogger Freelancer said...

So lovely to hear, booky. And yes, she most certainly is.

4:36 pm  
Blogger Aleks - Anarcho-Syndicalist said...

Freelancer, you really disappoint me. You say:

"Like many before me, I won't presume to know what ALL women want."

But on Nadstown you said:

"What Women (really) Want: Aleks to FUCK OFF!!!!"

Please! Some consistancy. Oh and come on, you can be a bit more creative than telling me to Fuck off. It's so crude and unoriginal.

5:03 pm  
Blogger Freelancer said...

Well, you're gonna spend a lot of your time disappointed.

5:17 pm  
Blogger Aleks - Anarcho-Syndicalist said...

C'mon. I know that the veneer of hostility you display to me is masking the pent up sexual lust you feel for me.

5:36 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to hear things are going so well freelance - DON'T GO SO SOON!!!! Well this woman is also pretty impressed at getting so much of what she wants - even more of it VERY soon! B. ette (for the moment)

5:40 pm  
Blogger Freelancer said...

Yeah. Booky, me and the love of my life just built a sex shrine in your name. Congratulations, you just creeped me out even further.

This will be our last cyber conversation. Thanks for visiting.

5:42 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh so harsh!!! Talk to you about this on Saturday!

5:46 pm  
Blogger Freelancer said...

No, Bookette! I was talking to creepy Aleks! Can't wait to see you on Saturday!

5:48 pm  
Blogger Tuppence said...

Very sweet :)

Oh, and you'll be pleased to know that Aleks, although considering my wish for cupcakes a tad frivolous, approved my 'what women want' post.

*rolls eyes*

6:30 pm  
Blogger Freelancer said...

He is dead to me, Tuppence.
But if there's one thing we agree on, it's your post! ;)

8:20 pm  
Blogger Fluffy said...

hey charles and i started going out in September 9th 1997 - sounds like you started seeing your puku romantically about the same time! do we share an anniversary?

9:40 pm  
Blogger Fluffy said...

ps. that bandwagon was so totally jumpable. in a mate's way.

9:40 pm  
Blogger Aleks - Anarcho-Syndicalist said...

Freelancer, I am sorry.

You are wong when you say I am creepy, I am in fact mentally unstable. Seriously. I have some mental health problems for which I have to take a number of medications for, not always successfully.

Why say this? One of the consequences of this is that at times I don't know when to stop, and take things too far, then later regret it. People who know me can testify to this.

On the way home yesterday I realised I had taken things too far. I am man enough to admit when I am wrong.

You seem to be a decent human being, and as such I really didn't want to upset you. I can't guarantee that I won't inadvertantly do it again (Quite brain or I'll stab you witha q-tip) but I will try not to. Again, I am sorry.

Do you accept my apology and forgive me?

11:05 am  
Blogger Freelancer said...

From what affliction do you suffer, Aleks?

11:13 am  
Blogger Aleks - Anarcho-Syndicalist said...

Severe bi-polar disorder tends to be the one that affects me most, though I am on medication for other things I'm not too sure of. The psychiatrist has mentioned some things he thinks I may be suffering from, but I can't remember what they are. If I go off the medication for two days I am total fucking mess. Even on medication some days are difficult, like Monday.

11:21 am  
Blogger Freelancer said...

I can't pretend to know how this feels, Aleks. But I do know you find solace in your family. So keep surrounding yourself with that which keeps you buoyant.

And tread carefully with new people. Try to accept them for all of the sweet differences that make them, them - and not you.

Thanks for your apology. And I regret my harsh words over at Nads' yeserday too.

11:37 am  
Blogger Aleks - Anarcho-Syndicalist said...


12:50 pm  
Blogger Darcy said...

So beautiful freelancer. He sounds perfect and I want to eat him for breakfast.

Cuddles from behind! So good. The best.

2:50 pm  
Blogger Freelancer said...

Yeah. Pretty good, huh? I'm blessed.

...And don't you ever delete that post!
THAT should be sprayed with perfume. And laminated. And sent to the School of Boys.

2:58 pm  
Blogger Fluffy said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

6:56 pm  
Blogger Freelancer said...

Was out for the birfdy last night (so am nursing a hangover and am heading off to yum cha but will give you a call later on). Will delete your phone number now.

12:57 pm  
Blogger la nadine said...

happy birthday for saturday lovely lady.

hope you had as good a time as i did.


10:51 am  
Blogger BEVIS said...



9:07 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:55 am  
Blogger alex said...

11:08 am  
Blogger alex said...

12:33 pm  
Blogger alex said...

2:25 pm  
Blogger alex said...

4:50 pm  
Blogger alex said...

7:19 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

White as paper, shaking with inexpressible rage, he caught and kissed the tittering girl, violently, noisily, before them all.. Pardon me while we take the next trick, remarked Evelyn with a laugh quite as light and gleeful as his own, and disappeared into the hall.. It has been made clear only that the latter emphasizes more than the former the relation to the unconscious.. The next thought referred to the sentence: She then looks to see whether the parts can be seen behind.. Got a little matter with Pink here first.. The two women were walking off toward our view, each with an arm about the other's waist--touched by a sudden sisterhood of sympathy.. Won't you 'light, Master? said Mr.. And I think that to have known one good old man--one man who, through the chances and rubs of a long life, has carried his heart in his hand, like a palm branch, waving all discords into peace, helps our faith in God, in ourselves, and in each other, more than many sermons.. The Colonel, however, continued, with unchanged deliberation: It concerns--er--a young lady--a beautiful, high-souled creature, sir, who, apart from her personal loveliness-- er--er--I may say is of one of the first families of Missouri, and-- er--not--remotely connected by marriage with one of--er--er--my boyhood's dearest friends.. The warm morning air was sweet with perfumes, and silent with heat. He bent down to his companion.. His departure afforded me relief.. He did some gatling-gun thinking out by the newel-post, and presently rejoined Uncle Billy.. Here's his dollar, Sim, said Mr.. I made the grand star-entree with Polly and the pretty Walton girls, who were staying with us.. He met a lady at a dancing lesson whom he wished to conquer; he pressed her to him so closely that she once cried out.. Vardeman explained at the supper table, nearer the vicinity of the downtown theater, where A Magnolia Flower was booked for a week's run.. Also numbers, which frequently occur in the dream, are assigned by Stekel a fixed symbolical meaning, but these interpretations seem neither sufficiently verified nor of general validity, although the interpretation in individual cases can generally be recognized as probable.. Presto , the by-laws were amended, and the Western property was given away. Out of that period he had brought all its old pride and scruples of honor, an antiquated and punctilious politeness, and (you would think) its wardrobe...

10:58 pm  
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9:59 pm  

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