Movie of the Week: Batman Begins
I really must stand and applaud Christopher Nolan.
Who is Christopher Nolan, you might ask? Why, the director of Batman Begins! Batman Begins?!! Isn't that just a terrible attempt to erase moviegoers' minds of anything resembling George Clooney in latex? you say. Well, yes. And no. I actually came out of this movie last night very impressed. And not just meh, that was pretty good - as far as adapted DC Comics go... impressed. This is actually a spectacular film.
Ok, now I'm not going to go all IMDB movie reviewer on you.
[Example: "I got a chance to see 'Batman Begins' just this past Friday evening. I must say that before seeing the film, I felt in my heart this is the 'Batman' film we've been waiting for. Within ten minutes into the movie, I turned to my date and said to her, "This is it! This is the movie!" ]
Firstly, I wouldn't be so foolish as to turn to my date and utter something so transparently nerdy. And secondly, I took two dates to the film last night. But yes, I'll admit, I did get 'utterly transported' in the way Hollywood used to move me as a child, and I'll also admit to grinning girlishly at both of my dates in turn at certain Christian Bale moments.
For those wondering, like I did as I left the cinema, yes, but who IS this Christopher Nolan? He was the director of Memento. An all-star cast certainly helped: Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Christian Bale, Rutger Hauer, Katie Holmes, Liam Neeson, Christian Bale, Tom Wilkinson, Cillian Murphy (28 Days Later), Christian Bale, Ken Watanabe (The Last Samurai), Christian Bale and Christian Bale.
Verdict: The action is actiony, the plot is filled with plot (unlike some other actiony films) and Katie Holmes does a really good job of making you forget about Tom Cruise for a couple of hours. Katie Holmes also has extremely perky nipples throughout, which may also have aided as a distraction tool. (Strangely enough, it was only the female date and I who noticed this glaringly obvious wardrobe detail.)
Four stars.
Don't Miss: the party scene where Bale fleetingly turns back into Patrick Bateman (minus the chainsaw).