Friday, June 10, 2005

Pulling the proverbial finger (out)

So I've realised that I'm now becoming a blog barnacle. I mean, it's all very well to get a proper username to avoid posting on other people's blogs as "anonymous" (which I have never done, I might add) - but it's time for me to start doing some writing myself. Sure, these rants might just end up being a diary, but I've come to the realisation it's not enough to sit at your computer on your day off, refreshing a gazillion times to see if other people have managed to POST SOMETHING ALREADY!!!!! Am I in the early stages of being sucked into the blogging vortex? Unlike others out there who have been posting for AGES - like... since October - I'm a newbie at all this. But I should pull my finger out nonetheless.
So here's my first post with something to actually share...

I got a call last night from a good friend who happens to have just landed herself a job working for a certain high profile minister of our state government. Anyway, because my loved one works in the very same field to that which this friend has entered (and I work in the media), she thought it was a good idea to give us a call for some ideas for her latest task. Turns out the MP in question is trying desperately to roll out this (not very) new strategy and is asking the advisors to look for suitable community meetings to attend. At these meetings, the said MP will be able to really "meet the people", present the strategy and listen to any concerns about the topics discussed (i.e. - nod furiously, all the while peddling the foregone conclusion). So, between us, we came up with a few suitable community discussions which this minister could attend. I know all research has to start somewhere - I'm VERY used to this concept. But it seemed a little concerning that this particular minister was only now at the stage of finding out who some of the most obvious relevant community voices are for this topic/portfolio? So my question is. Is that naive?

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Blog terrorism

I suspect the worst. I fear I am a blog terrorist. For the sheer titillation of posting comments to another blog - the owner of which is known to me, but as yet does not know my new handle (as it were) - I have created this profile and taken delight in frustrating the aforementioned blogger. Yes, I am. I am indeed a blog terrorist. But it's not like I'm posting suspicious white compounds over the ether. I'm merely sending my blogger friend on an incredibly exciting chase... to string together all the clues and come up with the correct answer! You could say I'm like a guilty Colonel Mustard, just wanting to be found... with the dagger... in the billiard room. Or I guess you could say I'm just bored.