What Women Want (bandwagon jumper #1)
So the laydeez are posting in their droves on the topic of choice. I, for one, won't miss this opportunity to add my 10c worth. Like many before me, I won't presume to know what ALL women want. But I can comment on what I wish for all women. And because I'm feeling quite soppy this afternoon (after having just revelled in the glorious presence of my mother-in-law to be [one day] at lunch), I'll tell you I wish upon all you laydeez a loved-one like mine.
I'm not sure why things are particularly good right now. Perhaps it's because we've been discussing, a lot lately, the likelihood of my (potential) pending departure from this brown land for 12 months. For those of you who know my man, you'll know he and I aren't much into displays of public affection - much as we are in love. This stems largely from us sharing the same friends from prior to us getting together almost eight years ago. We're private with our affection because we don't like to make friends and acquaintances feel uncomfortable, we like to be engaged with for our own personalities (not our couple-ness) and we like to keep what is ours, ours. But I thought, just this once, I'd let you in on the things I want - and get - from my Puku.
* he is rational and fiercely loyal.
* he would never betray a confidence. Ever.
* he loves his family as much as I love mine.
* he never breaks a promise (I can find anything out this way...)
* he is cautious when meeting people but surprises them with a wit that won't quit when finally comfortable.
* he loves dogs.
* he dislikes cats (I'm allergic).
* he indulges me my fantasies.
* he is kind to our friends.
* he doesn't shoot his mouth off.
* he loves breakfasts out on the weekends. We share a passion for a cooked brekky over a newspaper.
* he is hot. and has an arse like a racehorse. (Muscly, not huge.)
* he's a great cook.
* he gives the most incredible cuddles from behind. I DETEST the term 'spooning', but his talent for this is amazing. Mostly because we've got this thing where the top of one person's foot rests on the sole of the other's...
* he has excellent circulation.
* he is focussed, works incredibly hard and has a creativity that astounds me.
* he encourages me to try new things.
* he makes the best coffee.
* he is quietly proud of me.
* he's my best friend.
Ok, that's enough sap for one year. But I truly wish that every one of you beautiful ladies out there gets to enjoy the kind of pleasure I've enjoyed over the past seven years and nine months (oooh yes, I mean in THAT way too!) Now go forth and find your respective hotnesses. And if you've already done so, go plan that romantic dinner you've been waiting for him to organise.